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  • Cleaner vleis, improved beach facilities, resilient coastline & reserves - budget priorities 

Cleaner vleis, improved beach facilities, resilient coastline & reserves - budget priorities 

Rietvlei Nature Reserve_IMG 344 - lo-res_Kevin Newman-CCT

The City of Cape Town’s Building for Jobs Budget 2024/25 prioritises improving the water quality of our vleis, strengthening the resilience of our coastline against the impact of climate change and rising sea levels, and the preservation of our nature reserves. Spending on urban regeneration projects in vulnerable communities and neglected central districts continues and as is the finalisation of key precinct development plans to stimulate economic growth. 

The City of Cape Town’s draft budget for the new financial year, starting 1 July 2024, was tabled at its last Council meeting and is now available for public comment.

The Building for Jobs Budget is focused on growing our economy, improving service delivery, ensuring safer communities and strengthening our resilience in times of growing uncertainty.

‘The City’s Spatial Planning and Environment Directorate is responsible for a coastline covering 307km; to preserve our unique and world renowned biodiversity, among which our 21 nature reserves and wetlands; to sustainably manage special rating areas and those areas in need of urban regeneration; and finally, to assess development and building plan applications while realising the spatial goals as determined by the City’s Integrated Development Plan and Municipal Spatial Development Framework. Economic growth, socio-economic challenges, and spatial transformation are key priorities. The proposed budget demonstrates our commitment to deliver on these,’ said the City’s Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews.

The directorate’s draft capital budget for the next three financial years amounts to just over R1 billion; and the operational budget for the new financial year is R1,6 billion.

Major projects include the following, among others

• R408 million for the rehabilitation of our vleis, including Zeekoevlei and Milnerton Lagoon, the lowering of the weir at Zeekoevlei, and the procurement of a third brand new weed harvester
• R123 million for improvements to nature reserves and centres of education and training in Westridge Park in Mitchells Plain, Bracken, Harmony Flats, Zandvlei, Helderberg, and Edith Stephens near Philippi; and R5 million for the online booking system for facilities and activities at the reserves
• R413 million to improve the resilience of our coastline with upgrades of defence structures, including the sea walls at Strand, Small Bay, and Sea Point; and upgrades of the beachfronts in Monwabisi, Muizenberg, Table View, Miller’s Point and Soetwater, Kogel Bay, Macassar and Zandwolf, Mouille Point and Granger Bay
• R61 million for upgrades in urban nodes, among which at the station precincts in Parow and Salt River, the Bellville CBD, and Chapel Street in District Six
• R78 million for urban regeneration projects in Manenberg, Hanover Park, Mitchells Plain, Nonkqubela, Kuyasa and the Khayelitsha Training Centre, Mfuleni, Nyanga Junction, Wynberg and Bellville CBDs, and Bonteheuwel
• R46 million for the refurbishment of and upgrades to the Philippi Fresh Produce Market
• R22 million for improvements to the Development Application Management System that enables the online submission of development and building plan applications to the City’s Development Management Department and for additional human resource capacity

‘I encourage residents, and interested and affected parties to peruse the draft budget, and submit comments. Ultimately, this is public money, to be spent in the interest of our communities. Our professional and dedicated officials will manage the implementation of these projects, but can only succeed with communities’ ongoing support and collaboration, part of which is participation in the City’s budget process,’ said Alderman Andrews.

Comment on the Building for Jobs Budget 2024/25 by 30 April 2024.

To view the tabled budget, please visit
View the subcouncil public meeting schedule (subject to updating where applicable)
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For assistance to comment in English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa, please phone 0800 212 176

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See also Cape Town Green COASTAL Map