Kommetjie Environmental Awareness Group (KEAG)


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Erica Road, Kommetjie

Kommetjie Environmental Awareness Group (KEAG) is a non-profit organisation that was first established in 1991. KEAG specialises in project management and has run dozens of employment-creating environmental projects over the years.

Some of the main achievements from KEAG have been:

  • Managing some of the first-ever alien vegetation clearing projects on the Cape Peninsula.
  • Running the campaign that prevented parts of Slangkop Mountain from being developed for housing.
  • Active involvement in the rehabilitation of wetlands such as the Bokramspruit and the Wildevoelvlei.
  • Pioneering permaculture in the Western Cape.
  • Saving the island at 'the Kom' from potential development.
  • Pioneering proactive baboon management on the Cape Peninsula,
  • Faunal consultation for Environmental Baseline Studies of Soetwater, Millers Point, Slangkop and Plateau Road.


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