Nature Icons
Area that is a good viewing site for frogs, and other amphibious species, which are indicators of a pond or wetland's health status. May include any kind of terrestrial ecosystem with amphibians.
Includes fresh and saltwater ecosystems, and the many kinds of wildlife that flourish in the marine environment.
Place to view animals in the wild. Officially recognised or locally-known sites could be accompanied by guidelines for viewing without harm, and details on the species you might see. Don't indicate delicate nesting areas or endangered habitats, it's better to point to organisations or wildlife centres to help protect animals.
Area set aside for sleeping outdoors, using tents or other camping equipment. Care is needed not to destroy the surrounding vegetation, waterways, habitat or wilderness.
Boathouse, dock, ramp, rental shop or other site where you can launch a small human-powered boat into a body of water.
Places along the water's edge where wildlife congregates. Wildlife may be in or above the water, on the shore or on adjacent land. Sensitivity to delicate habitats should be exercised.
Often planted on public or formerly abandoned land, community gardens are run by volunteers who cultivate vegetables and flowers, closer relationships to nature and one another. Sometimes fenced and locked or threatened by development, but generally open to all participants, raising the quality of life in the community, and improving air and soil quality at the same time. Offers hands-on learning and a habitat for birds and insects, too.
Exciting design features including public transport stations, plazas, integrated native plantings and street furniture such as kiosks, benches, fountains, or lighting that use materials and energy efficiently, contributing to the streetscape. Can indicate an area planned for ecological soundness or where sustainable infrastructure guidelines have been utilised.
Marks the beginning of a hiking trail, guided tour starting point or an interesting walk you have made using a (dotted) line to encourage exploration. Maps, signage and information may be found here.
Gardens that are maintained by public agencies or organisations instead of the community. Public gardens may be large or small, indoors or outdoors.
You can indicate types of species in the garden, pesticide use or entrance fees.
Cape Town Green Map is proud to introduce a new icon that acknowledges wine producers committed to responsible environmental production. The new Green Wine Champion icon is designed in Cape Town and made its debut on the Nedbank Green Wine Route, which is another international first. This collaboration between Nedbank and Cape Town Green Map brings you the first ever map to show you the way to discover environmentally concerned wine estates with Green Wine Champion status.
Flora that is indigenous in the region, sometimes called old growth, heirloom or indigenous species. Native species requires less water and care than exotic imports, and usually attract more birds, bees and butterflies, and help the cycle of life stay in balance.
Often follows along a river or streambed, ravine or steep hill, disused rail bed or roadway. May indicate a wildlife corridor for land animals that is left in a natural state, with native plants to shelter them. Often have paths for running, cycling, skating, etc.
Nature Reserves, National Parks, World Heritage Sites, Private Nature Reserves and areas of conservation interest. May also be used for private land that has been set aside for conservation, too.
Green space that offers a place to relax and play outdoors. May include picnicking, sports fields, running paths, canoe rental, or workout/play equipment, along with diverse vegetation and a pond, creek or other water feature. Some parklands are publicly-owned and free; others might charge admission. Note: you can indicate if there is a fee, information or equipment centre.
Favourite places to see what makes the community’s environment special. Think broadly about these sites and protecting the ‘viewshed’.
Place where you can relax, walk or ride along and play by the water (includes water bodies of all types). May include a beach; swimming and wading may be possible.
A wetland is an area of land whose soil is saturated with moisture either permanently or seasonally. Such areas may also be covered partially or completely by shallow pools of water. Wetlands include swamps, marshes, and bogs. In South Africa many wetlands are known as "vlei's". The water found in wetlands can be saltwater, freshwater, or brackish.
Where injured or orphaned wild animals are nursed back to health before they are returned to the wild. Wildlife and rehabilitation centres and breeding programmes, local and global wildlife organisations, volunteer programmes and schools are included.
Native environment for animals and the plants that sustain them. Can represent native natural environments, or protected areas such as park reserves where larger animals and other wildlife can be found.